As some of you may remember, Eli and I sold all of our heifer calves last year (2016). It was heartbreaking and something I'm going to regret for a long time. There was no other option (we simply did not have the quality or amount of hay required), but it was a tough call to make. I'm a total softie, I know, but I really love raising those babies up to be the excellent momma's they can be. Or usually are. We try hard to only keep the best, but occasionally we are surprised by an unexpected cranky one. And if they are cranky as 'first calvers', they go. They don't get sweeter with age, I can tell you that for sure! There are many cows you have to 'watch' when they first calve (understandable, I may have been a wee bit cranky during childbirth as well and a hair protective directly after......), but anything really mean has no place here.

2017 Replacement Heifer Calves
So, not keeping our heifer calves last year meant that we needed to purchase cows to keep our herd numbers up and growing. We gathered some information and drove the 4 hours to Williams Lake for a late November sale. I really hate buying through sales.....things happen too quickly for me. I much prefer to visit with the seller on their property, see the cows where they are used to being, and decide if I'm willing to pay the asking price or not. But we were.
Some of the young cows 'rustling' for feed. Looking fat and sassy...
We had a good look around the yards, found what we thought we wanted and then sat down for breakfast. Mum and Dad introduced us to a rancher from the Vanderhoof area. He was clearly full of experience and fun to chat to. The conversations went on around me but I tuned in as he leaned back in his chair, put his hands behind his head and answered someones comment with one of his own. "Yep. Ranching. The most hopeful business in the world, next to farming. The most hopeful people you will ever meet." At everyone's 'deer in the headlights' stare, he elaborated. "Hoping the snow holds off, hoping the grass holds, hoping the vaccinations work, hoping the wolves find something else to eat, hoping the prices hold, hoping the tractor holds together, hoping there is enough hay, hoping the bulls did their job, just hoping, hoping, hoping..... Yep. Most hopeful bunch you'll every meet." It took another second or two, but then we really laughed.
It is totally true. You won't have a conversation with a rancher without hearing 'hope' at some point, often regarding the weather. (I have to hide a grin (or tell the story) every time I hear it now.)
View from the office/school room.
Eli says if we ever give up ranching, he is going to have a job that is not nearly so dependant on the whims of Mother Nature.
We did end up buying a really nice group of heifers. We paid a premium price (more than I would have liked, but current market value), but we got what we wanted. Here is to hoping for a good calf crop from them. It is always a worry as you are just depending on the sellers word as to what bulls they were put with and when. I'm hopeful and mostly confident we bought from the right people (the heifers are from three different outfits). I'll keep you posted.
Some of our new heifers (they will have their first baby this spring). The chalked "P" simply means they are vet checked to being pregnant. We just branded and vaccinated them this day, they will get their new tags in the spring.
Some Christmas Artwork by the boys.
We are looking through the reflection of the sunset in the window to Jacksons cat in the schoolroom.
And Marcia, I've been meaning to get to your question after my comment about wrapping latigos, following the Curt Pate Stockmanship Clinic. So I'll elaborate a bit. Just to be clear, I've been taught this, I didn't come up with it on my own. All credit goes to Evan Howarth.
A horse wasn't born with a saddle on his back and sometimes, even with plenty of preparation and exposure, they may react quickly and sometimes explosively to the event, especially with the first movements. This certainly doesn't mean the horse is a 'bronc' by any means, it is just the way some of them need to learn that the saddle is not going to hurt them. After all, it could be a cougar on their back for all they know! One of the (many) proper steps to this being a success is to make dang sure that the saddle is going to stay on and stay upright. Once the commitment is made to do up the cinch, it is super important to do it as efficiently as possible.
By this point, the horse should be standing quietly with the saddle resting on his back. You've let your cinches down from the right side and made sure they are straight and in the correct setting for that particular horse. Back on the left side of your colt, your latigo is wrapped properly (from the UNDER side of the rigging, so it pulls out smoothly without binding.) You hold the cinch snugly against the belly of the horse so there are no surprises, and since you've done your homework, your colt is fine with all of this. Now it's time to wrap the latigo, so you quickly, but very smoothly and carefully, wrap around through the cinch and the rigging three times and then tighten it up. Most people, myself included, generally do it twice on a day to day basis. But if you do it three times, once it is snugged up, it will not come loose even if your horse turns inside out. No need to tie it off even, as you must do if you only wrap it twice. And generally that's where the problem've taken enough time, your horse is starting to feel the need to move, and you are struggling to get the cinch tight and the proper tie done. Panic on all ends can happen and you REALLY don't want that horse bucking your saddle off, or it rolling under his belly. No need to elaborate there, you get the picture. Even if your horse starts to get worried, moves away and gets busy before the cinch is really snug enough, with three wraps you can just hang on to the end of the latigo and it will tighten and stay tight as he pulls away. You are in a safe place (away from potentially kicking hooves) and your saddle will ride where it is meant to.
It works well. I've seen this method used for many years and not just on colts, but some pretty dang 'troubled' horses that fully put the theory to the test.
And there is your horsemanship chat for the night!
Wishing you and yours all the very best this Christmas season.
Merry Christmas from the Flying T. Been 15 years since we calved in the snow at Annahim Lake . We are two months off right now but come February things will get interesting as over 500 cows start in, probably in a blizzard. Only 60 heifers this year. Had 200 a couple of years ago. My kids said never again. Brucw
Hi Bruce, and thanks for taking the time to write. We are wracking our brains to figure out where you calved out here in Anahim. Hard to believe calving is coming around again...I'm barely recovered from last year. Haha. I look forward to hearing from you again.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
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